Monitoring & Evaluation

Take Initiative on Initiatives

Unbiased Eyes Add Value

We’ve helped countless public and private sector organizations monitor and evaluate performance on everything from housing development to funds distribution. It’s critical when every dollar is scrutinized by federal, state and local governments to measure the effectiveness and efficacy of community programs, and especially important for businesses to evaluate initiatives.

Discuss Your Needs

Optimize Performance and Outcomes

Vignetic has the resources to put boots on the ground and conduct site visits for data collection in observed environments. Our teams specialize in reviewing layered artifacts such as financials, payroll and health records, interpreting them and combining data into actionable reports for Congress and local governing bodies.

Mindful and Methodical

We gain a thorough understanding of goals and outcomes, the baseline to measure against and core policy components. Then score cards are created to accurately assess progress. We conduct comprehensive reporting using MicroStrategy, Microsoft Power BI or other customized tools to deliver information according to a validated data analytics methodology.

Learn why we’re a good government partner.

Proof Positive: 500+ Site Visits Completed

Case Study:
Federal Grants Monitoring and Evaluation

U.S. Agency for Health and Human Services

Vignetic helps give increased oversight of HHS’s program to assist low-income individuals including comprehensive evaluation, assessment modeling and dashboard analytics.

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